Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Questioning the Text Papers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Questioning the Text Papers - Essay Example All the three tales interacts to form a coherent picture of the predicaments that the characters face and the possible solutions to the problems. The paper presents a question from the text and discusses it comprehensively with illustrations. Considering the nature of the relationship between characters in the three tales, examine whether the existence of racial ties and commonalities can influence the disposition of an individual toward another person of the same race? Explain the impact of the behavior displayed by characters from similar backgrounds on the efforts to discourage racial discrimination and stereotypes? The text possesses themes of stereotypes and racial prejudice especially towards the Chinese people. It presents several examples that emphasize the idea that the author addresses some of the major problems faced by various victims of racial discrimination. The question emerges from the observations that individual characters who hail from the same ethnic groups, mistreat their fellow counterparts. Instead of providing support for them to thrive and adapt to the harsh systems, they shun them away, and this worsens their situations. There are many scenarios that support the basis of the questions. The relationship between Wei-Chen and Jin is a typical example that illustrates this fact. Another example is the event that transpires between Wong Lai-Tsao and Tze-Yo-Tzuh that was full of betrayal. In brief, the question originates from the negative treatment displayed by various characters to individuals from the same race. The query is significant as it highlights the weaknesses existing in the society between victims of racial prejudice and stereotyping. Research indicates that most individuals in alien countries face discriminations or mistreatment from fellow tribesmen and members of the same race (Shabazz 1238). As minority
Sunday, October 27, 2019
What Is Effective Business Communication Commerce Essay
What Is Effective Business Communication Commerce Essay It is hard to imagine a world without communication. From humans to ants, communication is vital for functioning. Hence its importance in business cannot be undermined. According to Murphy et al it is the life blood of any business (Murphy et al, 2009). Without communication it is very difficult to get your point across or to make a difference. To some the skills of communication come naturally while to others it needs a lot of practice and learning. Luckily effective communication techniques can be mastered if one puts his mind to it. Communication has many realms to it. Though ancient communication gave more importance to written and oral, now days, along with that, non-verbal communication has also gained precedence. With the advent of new technologies frequently, the means to communicate is constantly evolving. This makes it essential to keep up with the pace of change. In todays volatile and highly dynamic work atmosphere to have good communication skill is important to survive and climb the ladder of success. It is essential to understand business communication and its practices thoroughly before venturing on to actual practice. Stages of Communication Effective communication can be divided into a few distinctive stages. These stages are not absolute and can change from one situation to another. Every communication starts with an idea that forms inside the sender. The sender then converts this into a communicable message. This can be either oral or written. This is encoding. The sender then picks a communication channel to deliver the message. The channel used depends on various factors like what is the location of the receiver, is there a requirement for a permanent record or is it casual, what is the size of the audience, how soon should the message reach the receiver, how complex is the message etc (Krizan et al, 2008). The receiver at the other end received the communication. This process can be referred to as decoding. Here listening skills and comprehension plays a very important role. If the communication is unclear it is the duty of the receiver to ask the necessary questions and clarify it. If a response is expected from the receiver by way of a reply or action, the receiver has to carry that out. The sender can explicitly ask for a response if necessary. The response is as important as the initial communication. The message send by the sender and the response of the receiver depends not only on the words and medium used but also on the non-verbal aspects of the process. Verbal Vs Non-Verbal Communication Business communication can be broadly divided in to two verbal and non-verbal. Both forms are highly important to make the communication effective. The way these two are handled could make or break relationships. Non-verbal communication generally refers to eye contact, facial expressions and elements, posture, gestures and tone of voice (Stuart et al, 2007). It can also be stretched to include etiquette. Though many times difficult to understand, non-verbal communication is considered to be of great importance in communication and most times it is given more credence than verbal communication. If the person is saying one thing and his expression and body language another, it is most likely that people will go with the non-verbal aspect of the conversation. This is a very common fact and need to be considered and understood while communicating. Again with non-verbal communication, culture plays an important role. What is considered a gesture of goodwill or an acceptable habit in one country may be considered offensive in another. For example chewing gum in public is considered to be rude by the Dutch while it is a common practice of the Americans. Similarly when Westerners consider staying silent during a meeting as rude and a sign of being ignorant, the Japanese consider it a sign of success and respect (Guffey et al, 2010). Indian and Middle Eastern cultures consider the left hand as unclean where as in Europe and USA this is not the case. The list of cultural differences in non-verbal communication is quite long. It is quite impossible to learn them all. What a successful businessman usually does is to read up and understand these differences before a meeting or a trip to a country outside his own. The importance given to non-verbal communication does not make verbal communication any less important. In a highly technologically savvy world a lot of the communication takes place just verbally through letters, faxes, emails and chats. Hence having a good vocabulary and the good sense to use it properly is very essential. Similarly, cultural differences creep in for verbal communication as well. For example, the Americans generally tend to keep their business letters short and to the point and do not favor the use of poetic language, where as the French use a certain extend of poetic language even in their formal letters (Chaney and Martin, 2007). These differences exist from country to country not only in the style of communication but also in formats of letters, emails and other forms of written communication. A clear understanding of these differences will make it easier to infer the written communication more clearly and accurately. In case of oral communication it is highly a ppreciated by people from other cultures if the person is able to at least greet in their local language. While dealing with other cultures it always helps to speak in short and clear phrases and check back with the person with regard to the level of understanding. But any sort of communications effectiveness also depends on the medium used. Communication Medium Just like words and gestures, the medium used for communication plays an important role in the whole process of making it effective. Before selecting a medium for communication it is essential to figure out the importance of the communication and the extent of its reach. A message that has to go to the whole organization cannot be communicated by a face to face discussion. It needs to be done either by means of a group email or memo or though public address. It is also essential to have a mental picture of the reaction of the receiver from the communication. Some things that are sensitive in nature may need to be communicated by a one on one meeting and not through an email. To communicate to the masses, companies generally rely on advertisements. The medium used can be the new papers, television and radio, door to door, billboards or even flyers. This has to be done after a lot of planning and study or else there is very chance the advertisement will not appeal to the public. It is essential to make sure that it does not contain any material that may be offensive to one class of people or which may be considered immoral in one country. The person carrying the message is also of key importance in mass communication. For example, Madonnas hit number Like a Prayer was used by Pepsi in its commercials which aired during family oriented programs. But when the real video, which was highly graphic came out, Pepsi was threatened with boycott and hence had to yank the commercial (Forbes, 2007). Communication Gone South When there is a discussion about effective communication it is also important to get an inkling about things that has not gone so well due to wrongful communication in the business world. When Nardelli took over as CEO of Home Depot, there was almost immediate demoralization of the employees and which in turn led to consumer dissatisfaction and complaints. This was all caused by his communication style which was commanding and which was not acceptable to the new breed of people. He also managed to infuriate the shareholders with his arrogance (Bloomberg Businessweek, 2007). This is a classic example of poor communication skills causing negativity in the business. An American ad company took down a large billboard which was found offensive by African-Americans due to the message in it (Bloomberg Buisinessweek, 2011). These are just two examples of the effect of bad communication. There are many more that have led to people losing jobs, companies losing market share, employee unrest an d even companies going out of business. It can thus be said that effective communication is the essence of every businesss success. There is a great need to have the skills to communicate successfully and if such a skill is not inherent, it is essential to acquire it. This can be done by having a clear understanding of the steps involved, the medium used and learning to used words and expressions in a very controlled and thoughtful manner. Conquering the business world is much easier with effective communication. Resources Chaney Lillian H and Martin Jeanette S. (2007), Intercultural Business Communication, Pearson Prentice Hall. Guffey Mary Ellen, Rogin Patricia and Rhodes Kathleen (2010), Business Communication Process and Product, Nelson Educations Ltd. Krizan A. C., Merrier Patricia, Logan Joyce P. and Williams Karen Schneiter (2008), Business Communication, Thomson South-Western. Murphy Herta A, Hildebrandt Herbert W and Thomas Jane P (2009), Effective Business Communication Seventh Edition, Tata Mcgraw-Hill. Nussbaum Bruce (2007), Lesson from Home Depots Bob Nardelli Why Command and Control is so Bad, Bloomberg Businessweek, 4th January 2007, Available at Salazar Christian (2011), Ad Company Pulls NYC Anti-abortion Billboard, Bloomberg Buisnessweek, 25th February 2011, Available at Stuart Bonnye E, Sarow Marilyn S. and Stuart Lawrence (2007), Integrated Business Communication in a Global Market Place, John Wiley Sons Ltd. Trout Jack (2007), Celibrity Endoresements Gone Bad, Forbes, 13th September 2007, Available at
Friday, October 25, 2019
Greed :: essays research papers
For more than fifteen years psychologist Julian Edney has visited college campuses across the nation to study the effects of greed in a society where over $100 billion in new wealth accumulates each year. On each of his stays, he would play a game with randomly selected students where 10 metal nuts in a bowl represented ‘extra credit’. The students would then take the nuts for a single extra credit point. In this, he promised to double the amount of nuts left in the bowl every 10 seconds. Hypothetically, the game could last forever yielding limitless rewards as the students took turns taking a nut from the bowl. However Dr. Edney determined that 65 percent of the groups couldn’t get pass the first 10 second round, and the others could only make it a few more cycles until modest students turned into rambunctious maniacs scrounging for that last nut. Edney’s conclusion: Greed trumps trust. (U.S. News Magazine, 6/17/96 Special) â€Å"Small towns and neighborhoods in America used to be cohesive,†political scientist Bruce Frohnen pronounced in the May 1999 issue of Family Policy. â€Å"They did not seek openness to all ways of life. Nor did they seek economic betterment as the sole proper goal,†he added. â€Å"Faith and tradition were ruling forces in the lives of Americans, bidding them care for their families and neighbors and their souls, as much as their pocketbooks.†But as the material girls and boys grew, so did the need for greed. In a recent study by Roper Starch Worldwide, the values of teenagers moving into the new millennium have drastically changed from their parent’s visions. The percentage who said they wanted to earn â€Å"a lot of money†grew 25 points from the 38 percent in 1975. Those who said they needed a microwave oven as a necessity rose 19 points, and the percentage that believed life without an answering machine was incomprehensible grew more than 18 points. At the same time, teenagers who believed â€Å"developing a meaningful philosophy of life†dropped by 42 percent. However the rise of money’s power in student-age adults coincided with a reward system for the newly transpired talents. Repetitive tasks are being replaced by super technology while responsibilities requiring intelligence and skill are more emphasized. It is a â€Å"winner take all†society though, where the lopsided share of benefits go to very few players. The ostentation is not all coming from the upcoming generation though.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Advantages and Disadvantages †Studying Abroad Essay
Nowadays, there are many people continuing their studies outside their country. They think that educations in other countries are better than in their own country. Studying abroad offer so many life-changing and enduring academic, career, and social benefits, therefore students consider studying abroad. Studying abroad lets you experience things you have never faced them before. It gives you the opportunity to communicate with different people who have different religions and speak different languages. This will improve your social skills. In addition, when you graduate from a university in a foreign country, It will make you more prestigious. In work life and in your personal life, It will bring more respect for you. To them, you are a person who experiences a different world with different inhabitants. . Exploring cultures and civilisations, which may happen when studying abroad. Few other experiences in life have proven such a positive and sustainable impact on the youth . Overseas education offers many good foreign universities to international students. These universities often have advanced teaching facilities and other resources. In addition, teachers also have higher professional standards On the other hand, when the youth leaves his hometown and migrate to another country to continue study, some obstacles may show up. he must be away from the family and intimate friends for a while. No doubt, the relationship will fade away if he don’t try to keep in touch with them. Moreover, the person is exposed to an environment where everybody else acts and behaves different from what the student has learned before. So far the costs of living and studying are most likely higher then your income in the country and you barely find an appropriate job with a high salary at first.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Law of the Harvest LDS Talk
My dear Brothers and Sisters, It is so good to be with you today. The warmth and love that each of you have is so good to feel and to be part of the fellowship of the saints. Brother XYZ has asked that I talk to the Law of the Harvest. â€Å"Gallations 6:7 â€Å"Whatsoever a man Soweth , that shall he reap†I wish to first share with you a story. Many years ago when I was working in Sacramento I had to make a trip for work to San Los Opisbo. The funeral was to be in the early afternoon so I could make the trip in one day. I got all my items together. I had maps and directions from map-quest.I knew my direction and I was going to make it there. I got there in no problem but noticed that I took me a little longer then I had planned. Once there service was over I got in the van that I was driving and looked over the map and saw that I just needed to drive on the road I was on and then turn near the town of Avenal and that would get me on I-5. I started out and began driving. Aft er a while I noticed that I hadn't taken the right turn that I had planned on doing. I pulled over and saw that if I stayed on this road I could go into the town of Coalinga and then get I-5 again.But it was going to be more driving on this quite road. I said to myself well I will just have to go faster to make up the time. It felt like forever but I know it was not but I came up over a rise and saw the familiar outline of a highway patrol car. I pulled to the right of the road right as I passed him. His lights came on and over to me and came around behind me. He came over to my window where I had my drivers license and insurance waiting for him. He askeme where I was heading. After a long explanation he saw all my maps and told me that I was going to fast and that I needed to slow down.He let me off but said that if he ever caught me again He would â€Å"throw the book at me†– What did I learn from this lesson of my life. I had made a plan I had the directions and th e path laid our for me. I had a road map but I failed to get on the right road. Then in haste of youth I decided that I would try to race to make up time. Which cost me time. This is like life, Laws are eternal truth that we follow and the direct action of those laws. We can choose to follow the commandments but we CAN NOT CHOOSE the result of that choice. we have the map and course laid out for us to follow. Our leaders guide the way for us to follow.We need to listen to there council and wisdom. We can NOT expect to live a life of sin and of misdeeds and still return back to our Father. But I KNOW that the converse is true. That if we live a life of goodness and of obedience then we shall be welcomed home to our father. Then for life there is redemption. The amazing gift that God has give us through his son Jesus Christ. The way to overcome the consequences of our actions. Like the officer in my story They can grant us forgiveness and met out mercy because justice was served those many years ago in Gessmetine groves and on Calvary's hill.D&C 130 20-21 â€Å"There is a law, irrevocably decreed in heaven before the foundations of this world, upon which all blessings are predicatedâ€â€and when we obtain any blessing from God, it is by obedience to that law upon which it is predicated. †Take time today to reflect upon your life and the things that you have. I know that you will find that it is a direct reflection of the life that you have lived. Before I continue I need to read another scripture as a clarification Alma Chapter 38 ( Alma speaking to his sone Shiblon.He being a rightous man who was great missionary unto the people of Zoramites And now, my son, I trust that I shall have great joy in you, because of your steadiness and your faithfulness unto God; for as you have commenced in your youth to look to the Lord your God, even so I hope that you will continue in keeping his commandments; for blessed is he that endureth to the end. I say unto yo u, my son, that I have had great joy in thee already, because of thy faithfulness and thy diligence, and thy patience and thy long-suffering among the people of the Zoramites.For I know that thou wast in bonds; yea, and I also know that thou wast stoned for the word’s sake; and thou didst bear all these things with patience because the Lord was with thee; and now thou knowest that the Lord did deliver thee. And now my son, Shiblon, I would that ye should remember, that as much as ye shall put your trust in God even so much ye shall be delivered out of your trials, and your troubles, and your afflictions, and ye shall be lifted up at the last day. I share that scripture so that none may think that the trails that they have are a ‘punishment' for sin.Trails act as the refiners fire spoken of in 1 Peter 1:7. Elder Sill said this â€Å"One of the distinguishing characteristics of our world is that it is a place of law and order, and the basic law of creation is God’ s fundamental law of compensation. It says that all work must be paid for, that we can no more do a good thing without sometime, in some way receiving a reward, than we can do an evil thing without suffering a penalty. In everything that we do, including the very thoughts that we think, we are subject to this interesting, undeviating eternal law.It is just as universal in its operation as are the laws of gravity, electricity, light or heat. It is never set aside, it is never suspended or restricted, and it governs in every department of human activity. Nothing is ever denied to well-directed effort and nothing is ever achieved without it. It is a thrilling challenge, that we may have any blessing that we are willing to live for. And the primary law of the universe is this immutable,†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. irrevocable law of the harvest that says, ‘Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. ’ ( Gala. 6:7 ) ( The Law of the Harvest, p. 1. ) Think of it my fellow saints D& C 82: 10 I, the Lord, am bound when ye do what I say; but when ye do not what I say, ye have no promise. You need to make the choice today the kind of person you want to become and then do what is required to become that son or daughter of God. In my calling I work with the young men. I invite them to chart the course they want to take. If you lay out the course and you make your plans the small choices along the way are easier to make. The blessings are real I have seen them in my life and they can happen in your life.Sometimes other people are in your path that make living the gospel hard. I think of a story from my mission days. My mission president would from time to time send me a missionary that needed some guidance. Elder XYZ was one such Elder. He had a sleeping problem. He would sleep until 10, 11 maybe even noon and then get up to work. When I received the assignment. I was told that I needed to help him not by being the school master but by a quite example of love and com passion. Each morning I would rise at the appointed hour and begin my day. I would follow all the mission rules that I could.I tried with all my might to find people for us to teach and the work with. We began to teach these people when Elder Allen would rise we would begin our day. Brothers and Sisters the Lord blessed us with some amazing people to teach and baptize. Elder XYZ knew it I knew it and President XYZ knew that is was obedience to the rules of the mission and to what we needed to do that produced that fruit. The Lord was bound to help these people as a result of simple Elder ABC following the mission rules. Many times we just need to follow the commandments and as a result og our actions people lives are blessed.This most often happens with church leaders or those who are charged with helping people along the path of life. Because of ones faithful discharge then another is blessed Brother CFD was a faithful home teacher he would go out and visit the people that he had o n his route. Most if not all of them never came to church. He had a name on his list of Brother ERD. For four long years he would go to this man's home and talk with him and invite him to come back. He would get the same answer each time. â€Å"Nope not this week†A change started to come over him as he saw this faithful brother.Then one week he came to church. The ward welcomed him back and he became interested in the work that needed to get done. His wife had to be baptized and his grand kids needed names placed on the roles of the church. He came back to the fold of God because one man decided to share his time with another and follow the charge that he had as a priesthood leader. As we serve others two things happen. 1- Lives of the people change and are made easier or they get stuff that are given to them 2- the people giving the service are rewarded for the work they are done.This reward or compensation is both physical and also spiritual. Alpha was the President of his Teachers quorum , I was the advisor, One Sunday about two years ago we heard that brother YTR had a bad accident and would not be able to mow his lawn. In Priesthood we talked about the needs of Brother YTR and the Bishop told Alpha to get the lawn mowed. Alpha a young 15 year old , holder of the Priesthood of God, planned on going to this house. They got rides for the boys that needed them. They got lawn mowers and edgers. Then They called me.Alpha told me that They were going to there on Wednesday and thought I should know. I was surprised that it was planned. I told him that I could be there and would bring a watermelon if they wanted. He said sure and I was there at the home. Alpha and his fellow members of the Aaronic Priesthood provided service and were blessed. I was taught by these â€Å"boys†and they taught each other. These stories are not unique, you all have these same stories of obedience to a law of God and cherish in the blessings that you received . Each tim e that story is shared the blessings are relived and your excitement is filled.I want to warn us all to not think that these blessings are ours and ours alone. Many faithful people of all religions are given blessings and can feel of the Law of the Harvest. The lord is the same yesterday today and forever and when we do a righteous thing we will be blessed. For those of us who have strayed and who need help getting back on the path there is hope. Christ paid the price for our sin and know how to welcome us back. Luke 8 4- 15 Christ taught the parable of the sower And when much people were gathered together, and were come to him out of every city, he spake by a parable:A sower went out to sow his seed: and as he sowed, some fell by the way side; and it was trodden down, and the fowls of the air devoured it. And some fell upon a rock; and as soon as it was sprung up, it withered away, because it lacked moisture. And some fell among thorns; and the thorns sprang up with it, and choked it. And other fell on good ground, and sprang up, and bare fruit an hundredfold. And when he had said these things, he cried, He that hath ears to hear, let him hear. And his disciples asked him, saying, What might this parable be?And he said, Unto you it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God: but to others in parables; that seeing they might not see, and hearing they might not understand. Now the parable is this: The seed is the word of God. Those by the way side are they that hear; then cometh the devil, and taketh away the word out of their hearts, lest they should believe and be saved. They on the rock are they, which, when they hear, receive the word with joy; and these have no root, which for a while believe, and in time of temptation fall away.And that which fell among thorns are they, which, when they have heard, go forth, and are choked with cares and riches and pleasures of this life, and bring no fruit to perfection. But that on the good ground are they, wh ich in an honest and good heart, having heard the word, keep it, and bring forth fruit with patience. Verse 13 tells of the hope that we have for these who fall away for a time. Let us do what we can to bring them back. The atonement of Christ is for all. I know that as a man soweth so shall he reap.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Most Popular Articles February 2008
Most Popular Articles February 2008 Most Popular Articles February 2008 Most Popular Articles February 2008 By Daniel Scocco Below you will find the most popular articles of the past month. Check them out if you missed any. Laugh About Writing: Writing doesn’t always have to be a serious business. Though it’s wise to make sure that you write correctly, there’s a lot of fun to be had when playing with words. Poll: Should We Write email or e-mail? I am pretty sure that you already considered if you should be writing the abbreviation of electronic mail as email or e-mail (or as something else yet). The same confusion applies to the abbreviations of electronic commerce, electronic book and so on. Top 5 Tips When Bidding For Freelance Work: One way of obtaining freelance work is by bidding for work through websites like, or This route to contract work is a handy tool for stop-gap work but can be a minefield for the uninitiated. The idea is based on the eBay model, where clients post the type of work they are looking for within a budget range, timescale, and description of the work they need completed. Freelancers then bid on the job, and the client selects the best fit, or sometimes unsurprisingly, the cheapest offer of work. Rite, Write, Right, Wright: Here are four frequently misspelled words that your computer Spell Check won’t catch. What is the Difference Between Metaphor and Simile?: The terms metaphor and simile are slung around as if they meant exactly the same thing. A simile is a metaphor, but not all metaphors are similes. Fun With Words: Palindromes: Palindromes are words, phrases or number sequences that read the same way in both directions. Palindrome derives from the Greek for ‘running back again’. Both the Greeks and Romans are known to have enjoyed palindromes. The Greeks also published palindromic poetry. Warning: Microsoft Did Not Invent Grammar!: Most people who advise on writing tell you to check the spelling and grammar on your work. This is good advice. Top 5 Freelance Mistakes To Avoid: The road of freelance writing is fraught with pot-holes, sharp bends, and hidden horizons, so it pays to know a few of the mistakes in advance to help make the journey go that little bit smoother. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the General category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:4 Types of Gerunds and Gerund PhrasesWhenever vs. When EverCareful with Words Used as Noun and Verb
Monday, October 21, 2019
Free Essays on National Security
Colonization of Nigeria The British were not the first to infiltrate Nigeria. They weren’t the second either. First of all, people within Africa have been migrating all over the continent, including Nigeria, way before there was even written record. Also, there has been so much mixing of ethnic groups over the course of time. However, it isn’t all that hard to trace back and find the first evidence of outside infiltration. External penetration of Nigeria started as early as the 9th century AD when Muslim merchants from western Sudan, Maghreb, Tripolitania and Egypt started traveling across the Sahara with camel caravans in search of trade. Over the course of the next six centuries, Islam became accepted widely in the north, especially among the Hausa and Fulani, and not only as a religion. It also imposed a central government, segregated the sexes, influenced language and script, and established a hierarchical class system that was not there beforehand. Islam did not spread south because of the dense tropical forest that divides Nigeria into north and south. This also caused the two regions to â€Å"develop†at different rates because while the south was still alien to Europeans, the north was expanding culturally and economically because of its deep involvement with the trans-Sahara trade routes. The peoples of the south remained untouched by foreigners until the 1470’s when Portuguese explorers, under the inspiration and guidance of Henry the Navigator, showed up and traded spirits, cloth, guns and gunpowder in return for slaves. The Portuguese did not really have any sort of cultural effect on the indigenous people besides the slowly diminishing population. This is because they rarely traveled farther than the coast, if they even left the ships. Eventually the British showed up after they realized the profits Portugal was making and what they could get from slavery. By 1712 they had established a slave monopoly along ... Free Essays on National Security Free Essays on National Security National security America over its short life time has built up this reputation for being â€Å"untouchable†. We are so far away from any major threats, and because of this, America has gone to sleep. It used to be that communication amongst countries would take months at a time. Your conversation was instantaneous; you could talk to someone on the other side of the world! If it wasn’t for communication, we probably wouldn’t have been involved in WW2. Technology took its course and now today we have high speed data transfer and the internet. When certain people get access to the internet, they then have access to money, drugs, weapons, you name it. The internet literally â€Å"Connects†the world in front of your eyes. With power in the wrong hands, there is an immediate threat to our country, which begs for a modern security. I sat in my living room the other day and was able to watch our military strategically bomb Baghdad†¦Live. The world isn’t so far apar t anymore. People today are communicating faster than ever before. What once was a dream is now reality and then some. Communication is hurting us; it puts power into the hands of people who want to be heard. Regions of the world that couldn’t speak out in a manner suitable to them now can. This is going to propose a problem because our army is not dealing with a nation as a whole where diplomacy is in effect, these terrorists are most of the time in it for themselves. Since these terrorists are not connected to the government, it’s hard to address those who are participating in the act. For instance, the Taliban was found guilty of plotting against the US. These Taliban members resided in Afghanistan, yet Afghanistan wasn’t about ready to claim them, so who is to blame? The controversy begins when these smaller countries harbor and even support these madmen, mainly out of fear, but never the less. These terrorists play with there peoples emotions and feelings ... Free Essays on National Security Colonization of Nigeria The British were not the first to infiltrate Nigeria. They weren’t the second either. First of all, people within Africa have been migrating all over the continent, including Nigeria, way before there was even written record. Also, there has been so much mixing of ethnic groups over the course of time. However, it isn’t all that hard to trace back and find the first evidence of outside infiltration. External penetration of Nigeria started as early as the 9th century AD when Muslim merchants from western Sudan, Maghreb, Tripolitania and Egypt started traveling across the Sahara with camel caravans in search of trade. Over the course of the next six centuries, Islam became accepted widely in the north, especially among the Hausa and Fulani, and not only as a religion. It also imposed a central government, segregated the sexes, influenced language and script, and established a hierarchical class system that was not there beforehand. Islam did not spread south because of the dense tropical forest that divides Nigeria into north and south. This also caused the two regions to â€Å"develop†at different rates because while the south was still alien to Europeans, the north was expanding culturally and economically because of its deep involvement with the trans-Sahara trade routes. The peoples of the south remained untouched by foreigners until the 1470’s when Portuguese explorers, under the inspiration and guidance of Henry the Navigator, showed up and traded spirits, cloth, guns and gunpowder in return for slaves. The Portuguese did not really have any sort of cultural effect on the indigenous people besides the slowly diminishing population. This is because they rarely traveled farther than the coast, if they even left the ships. Eventually the British showed up after they realized the profits Portugal was making and what they could get from slavery. By 1712 they had established a slave monopoly along ...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Definition and Examples of Parsing in English Grammar
Definition and Examples of Parsing in English Grammar Parsing is a grammatical exercise that involves breaking down a text into its component parts of speech with an explanation of the form, function, and syntactic relationship of each part so that the text can be understood. The term parsing comes from the Latin pars for part (of speech). In contemporary linguistics, parsing usually refers to the computer-aided syntactic analysis of language. Computer programs that automatically add parsing tags to a text are called parsers. Key Takeaways: Parsing Parsing is the process of breaking down a sentence into its elements so that the sentence can be understood.Traditional parsing is done by hand, sometimes using sentence diagrams. Parsing is also involved in more complex forms of analysis such as discourse analysis and psycholinguistics. Parse Definition In linguistics, to parse means to break down a sentence into its component parts so that the meaning of the sentence can be understood. Sometimes parsing is done with the help of tools such as sentence diagrams (visual representations of syntactical constructions). When parsing a sentence, the reader takes note of the sentence elements and their parts of speech (whether a word is a noun, verb, adjective, etc.). The reader also notices other elements such as the verb tense (present tense, past tense, future tense, etc.). Once the sentence is broken down, the reader can use their analysis to interpret the meaning of the sentence. Some linguists draw a distinction between full parsing and skeleton parsing. The former refers to the full analysis of a text, including as detailed a description of its elements as possible. The latter refers to a simpler form of analysis used to grasp a sentences basic meaning. Traditional Methods of Parsing Traditionally, parsing is done by taking a sentence and breaking it down into different parts of speech. The words are placed into distinct grammatical categories, and then the grammatical relationships between the words are identified, allowing the reader to interpret the sentence. For example, take the following sentence: The man opened the door. To parse this sentence, we first classify each word by its part of speech: the (article), man (noun), opened (verb), the (article), door (noun). The sentence has only one verb (opened); we can then identify the subject and object of that verb. In this case, since the man is performing the action, the subject is man and the object is door. Because the verb is opened- rather than opens or will open- we know that the sentence is in the past tense, meaning the action described has already occurred. This example is a simple one, but it shows how parsing can be used to illuminate the meaning of a text. Traditional methods of parsing may or may not include sentence diagrams. Such visual aids are sometimes helpful when the sentences being analyzed are especially complex. Discourse Analysis Unlike simple parsing, discourse analysis refers to a broader field of study concerned with the social and psychological aspects of language. Those who perform discourse analysis are interested in, among other topics, genres of language (those with certain set conventions within different fields) and the relationships between language and social behavior, politics, and memory. In this way, discourse analysis goes far beyond the scope of traditional parsing, which is limited to that individual texts. Psycholinguistics Psycholinguistics is a field of study that deals with language and its relationship with psychology and neuroscience. Scientists who work in this field study the ways in which the brain processes language, transforming signs and symbols into meaningful statements. As such, they are primarily interested in the underlying processes that make traditional parsing possible. They are interested, for example, in how different brain structures facilitate language acquisition and comprehension. Computer-Assisted Parsing Computational linguistics is a field of study in which scientists have used a rules-based approach to develop computer models of human languages. This work combines computer science with cognitive science, mathematics, philosophy, and artificial intelligence. With computer-assisted parsing, scientists can use algorithms to perform text analysis. This is especially useful to scientists because, unlike traditional parsing, such tools can be used to quickly analyze large volumes of text, revealing patterns and other information that could not be easily obtained otherwise. In the emerging field of digital humanities, for example, computer-assisted parsing has been used to analyze the works of Shakespeare; in 2016, literary historians concluded from a computer analysis of the play that Christopher Marlowe was the co-author of Shakespeares Henry VI. One of the challenges of computer-assisted parsing is that computer models of language are rule-based, meaning scientists must tell algorithms how to interpret certain structures and patterns. In actual human language, however, such structures and patterns do not always share the same meanings, and linguists must analyze individual examples to determine the principles that govern them. Sources Dowty, David R., et al. Natural Language Parsing: Psychological, Computational and Theoretical Perspectives. Cambridge University Press, 2005.Halley, Ned. The Wordsworth Dictionary of Modern English: Grammar, Syntax and Style for the 21st Century. Wordsworth Editions, 2001.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Current Macroeconomic Situations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Current Macroeconomic Situations - Essay Example In the first quarter of this year the US economy has grown only by 1.8% whereas in the previous quarter it grew by 3.1% (Bangalore, 2011). As far as unemployment rate is concerned, it was at 9.1% in the month of August, 2011. There is hardly any improvement when compared to the data of previous months. According to a report that is recently published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, at present, almost 14 million people are unemployed in the country (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2011). What is more important is that in August the US economy could not create any ‘net new’ jobs. In July almost 85000 jobs were created but it is much lower than the expected figure 1,17,000 (BBC, 2011). It is found that Afro-Americans are mainly unemployed (16.7%) followed by the Hispanics (11.3%). There are many experts who believe that such a situation is actually the signal of the fact that US economy is preparing to get into another recession in the near future. In August it was found tha t the probability of recession in US was one fourth. A more dangerous report came in when Wall Street Journal published the result of a survey in September. According to this study, economists now believe that the chance of US economy sliding into another recession within next one year is now stands at 1-in-3 (Zappe, 2011). Inflation, in US is not a big concern. However, in 2010 inflation rate was 1.6% which is quite high as compared to previous year’s figure (-0.3%) (Central Intelligence Agency, n.d.). In August, 2011 inflation rate was found to be at 3.8%. The consumer price index has increased by 0.4% in that month (Trading Economics, n.d.). The current economic situation in US can be viewed as the failure of fiscal and monitory policies that are adopted by the government. Considering the facts like GDP growth is affected, jobs are not getting created and consumer confidence on US economy
Friday, October 18, 2019
Honesty In Contemporary Politics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Honesty In Contemporary Politics - Essay Example The columnist Charles Blow in his issue has mainly discussed honesty, hypocrisy, and lies of the politicians. He talks mostly about Romney, the Republican nominated candidate for the presidency. He sides with the results of the Gallup poll that surveyed the sentiments of Independents and Republicans about Romney’s chances of re-election. This group surveyed is the group considered least likely to vote a Democrat and therefore the fact that they predict that Romney will lose by 20% of the votes is credible since they go against their biases. Blow’s sources are all credible, which is a clear indication of his commitment to veracity. This shows Charles Blow is unbiased, thus he gets views from all sides. The critical arguments made in the article are those that talk about Romney hypocrisy and dishonesty throughout his campaign trail (Blow). Romney contradicts himself countless times and this clearly shows that Romney was not honest about all the promises he was making. The article on Romney’s son intimated to Vladimir Putin personally, that his father Mitt Romney was intending to keep relations with Russia if elected. Blow states that Romney’s son, Matt, recently traveled to Russia and delivered a message to President Vladimir Putin. Later, Romney contradicts himself by saying he told a Russian known to be able to deliver messages to Mr. Putin. As a result of these contradictions, it’s unclear if the message actually got to Mr. Putin. This also does not give us actual evidence of whether Romney’s son actually intimated to the president of Russia. However, the article does accurately represent the state electorate before the United States 2012 elections (Blow). Charles Blow writes another column â€Å"The G.O.P fact vacuum.â€
Field Trip Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Field Trip - Essay Example The centre featured a large screen used for presentation and educative film of space exploration. The Sketch Foundation Gallery captivated our attention and it occurred to me that it would best serve as a point of reference to our field trip. At the gallery, several space satellites were on display and among the ones that would capture attention of any visitor was the communication satellite. The scientist tour guide made us to understand that these space satellites vary in sizes depending on the main purpose of the use. The enormous size of the satellites was triggering many questions amongst us. The approximate weight of these satellites is six to eight tones of metal like the size of a small school bus. Apart from the size and physical appearances, the various parts of the space satellite were intriguing. The major parts included massive rocket propulsion system and its fuel tanks to move the satellite into space, antennas, and large transceivers for radio communication (Miller, 55). In addition, the large solar panels for converting solar energy in space to electricity together with the batteries to store the energy was also an amazing combination of energy sustaining system in space. The most important system of communication was the on-board computer processor that served as the â€Å"brain†of the satellite. The computer also served as a storage device for information and reception of instruction (Miller, 56). All these parts proved just how amazing the scientific ventures and explorat ion may go in the space exploration. Despite the size of these satellites’ and all their parts, the question on my mind was how these satellites managed to stay in space and move around the earth without falling back to earth. Our visitors tour guide who was also a scientist at the center gave us a comprehensive presentation of how the space satellite orbits the earth. The presentation began with an explanation of how
Therapeutic approaches within multicultural cmmunities Essay
Therapeutic approaches within multicultural cmmunities - Essay Example These are knowledge of oneself i.e. self-awareness, knowledge of other, and the therapeutic practice. We are basically concerned here with Therapeutic approaches within Multicultural Communities (Swanson, 2010). Most of the mental health issues pertain to historical and social issues linked with colonialism. These concerns had have a disastrous intergenerational effect on the communities of First Nations, even though modern Western focused service delivery is the prime focus. Inappropriately, many of the people of First Nations idealize mental health care to be culturally insensitive and inaccessible. The Nations clients are not as prone to come back after first session of counseling as compared to Caucasian clients (Swanson, 2010). In this paper, we extend the historical and socio-political rationale for been the reason to basic cultural differences. This approach to comprehending and working with cultural differences is based on the three sub ideas of multicultural capability. In w hat trails, we will discuss the practice and theory of these domains of multicultural capability as they pertain to counseling the clients of First Nations (McGilloway, 2010). ... The multicultural counseling should endorse client-related other than cultural-related involvements. Giving a distinct treatment for each different group is not a sound decision. Many people of the First Nations are identified with multiple cultures, thus making the matters more intricate at hand. Human centered commonly focuses approaches might be the best approach to balance the scale of modern verses conventional involvements (Gallardo, 2012). Western approaches are still relevant when it comes to counseling of the people of First Nations. The First Nations client usually seems to reject the modern counseling practices but it is dealt with. Certain perspectives of the Western theory are agreeable to be deconstructed and being use for healing processes. For instance, the procedures involved in conventional practices f sharing and healing have certain types of main group therapy. The Western methods of counseling can easily be replaced is not the idea here. However, both contemporar y and conventional methods can be compared and utilized alike. One should keep in touch with multicultural aspect that respects and values the diversity in all arenas. No assumption should be made to predominating the validity or correctness or effectiveness of one aspect of healing over other one. Certainly, when it relates to effectiveness, the therapeutic consequence research immensely relates to rank of a collaborative balance between the model of counselor in counseling and client global view. The balance is needed to determine an optimistic counseling result (Swanson, 2010). Accumulation strategies should be attended to as well. There is a big difference between First Nations people and the main health service providers which outcomes in varying views relating
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Western civilization.The Atlantic slave trade,protestant revival and Essay
Western civilization.The Atlantic slave trade,protestant revival and the two revolutions - Essay Example Atlantic Slave Trade was a direct consequence of the practice of slavery that existed in Medieval Europe and the colonial world. With the discovery of the Americas, slavery and slave trade became more pervasive since the European colonists needed cheap labor. Atlantic Slave Trade was a trade phenomenon that started during the 16th century. The Portuguese were the pioneers of this trade system. Soon, several European powers followed the techniques and trade routes of the Portuguese. Slave trade began to flourish rapidly as the European powers were rivaling each other to establish vast overseas colonial empires. Discussion As Christopher Columbus had discovered the New World, Europeans began to migrate towards the West in the search of fortune. They gathered in the North and South Americas and rapidly annihilated the native peoples. In this way, communities like Sioux Indians, Incas, Aztecs, Red Indians, etc. were cornered. Now, the European settlers needed to clear the forests, create towns and cities, and exploit the natural resources of the new found continents. Hence they needed cheap labor. (McKay et al, 2011) Europeans were colonizing in Africa too and had defeated the Arabs on a number of occasions. Hence, they carried on their imperial expansion across Africa and conquered several countries. Here, they captured and/or kidnapped large numbers of Africans and enslaved them. These slaves were transported as merchandise units to the New World so that they could be used as cheap labor for plantations, agriculture, clearing the forests and several jobs like that. Hence, it can be deduced that the reasons for both the beginning and success of Atlantic Slave Trade were the same: The theory of demand and supply. The innocent Africans were carried away from the present day countries like Sierra Leon, Senegal, Nigeria, etc. and used as bonded labors throughout their lives. Along with this, they were subjected to horrible torture and life conditions by their masters, who mostly neglected even their minimum well being. Freed slaves like Olaudah Equiano later came out with the accounts of these atrocities. Direct and indirect experiences about the tortures meted out to the African slaves started to build opinion against slave trade among the Europeans and White Americans themselves. Ultimately, humanitarian people in Europe and America abolished slavery and slave trade in a step by step manner by the end of 19th century. (McKay et al, 2011) Conclusion Atlantic Slave Trade was one of the most heinous crimes of world history. According to McKay et al (2011), â€Å"The Atlantic slave trade grew enormously as colonial plantations used slaves to produce commodities for trade.†Yet, it should be kept in mind that the Europeans and colonists themselves came forward to abolish it. First, the British Empire declared slavery illegal and then the American Civil War delivered the death blow to this practice. Thus, â€Å"public outcry at slaveryâ€⠄¢s horrors†(McKay et al, 2011) was the main reason behind the decline of Atlantic Slave Trade. Question 2 Pick one group in the â€Å"Protestant Revival†and talk about the aims, ideas, goals, and people behind it in 300-500 words. Answer Introduction Protestantism had originated in Medieval Europe. Thinkers and reformers like Martin Luther began the Protestant Movement, which primarily aimed to establish the right of the common people to learn and understand religion with more openness, freedom, and humane values. The European immigrants to America brought these ideas from Europe and looked for religious emancipation in the New World too. During the middle of 18th century, the First Great Awakening of Protestant Revival took place that was going to change
Comon Law Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Comon Law - Case Study Example The defendants were owners of Company making medicinal compounds used in the treatment of breathing ailments. They issued an advertisement claiming that they would offer ' 100 to anybody who could contract influenza after using their smoke balls and claimed that they had deposited '1000 in a bank as a token of their sincerity for their claims. (Lindley and Smith, 2004). The Company remonstrated that there was no contractual obligation between them and Mrs. Cargill, since she had not informed the Company of her acceptance of contract - testing and using the product. The Courts, comprising of Judges Lindley, Bowen, A. L. Smith L. JJ. held that the very fact of buying and using the product constituted acceptance and could be enforceable in a Court of Law. (Old Cases with Weird Facts Still Define our Law of Contract. 2006). 2. Terms of contract: The terms of the contract should be clear and understood by contracting parties. It should be lawful and not against public policy, and should not have "unusual hazards for the contracting party" (Contract Unenforceable Transactions) 3. Legal relationships The main objective of the parties to the contract is to enter into valid contractual obligations and create legal relationship. "The parties must intend that the offer and acceptance be binding upon them. There is a presumption operating in commercial contracts that the parties intend to create legal relations." (Contract Law). 3. Consideration: This is an important aspect of contractual law since without consideration the contract may be voidable at the option of the parties. The aspect of consideration has been the bedrock of many legal disputes but the landmark case of PepsiCo Co needs to be mentioned. In the case of Leonard v PepsiCo Inc. 88.F.Supp 2 d 116 (SD NY 1996) in which a young man sued the PepsiCo Company in an attempt to enforce an offer made through television commercial for redemption of 7,000,000 Pepsi Points for Harrier jet fighter aircraft. In this case decided in 1999, the Judge, Kimba Wood ruled that this case could not be enforced on three counts: A. PepsiCo's commercial been only an advertisement and did not constitute a valid offer to the world at large, or in other words there was no consideration flowing from the parties. It would be difficult to imagine that one could get a fighter jet aircraft for $ 7,000,000,when" the cost of a Harrier Jet is roughly $ 23 million dollars, a fact of which plaintiff was aware when he set out to gather the amount he believed necessary to accept the alleged offer." c. There was no communication between the alleged contracting parties which was enough to satisfy the Statute of Fraud, which the applicant had claimed from the company. (Leonard, 1999, p.10). Absence of consideration from both the contracting parties could be witnessed in cases of gifts, payments made for charitable purposes, etc., where there may not be mutual consideration 4. Capacity to enter into contracts: The parties entering into contract should have capacity to enter into it, like being of majority age, free from mental disabilities or under state of inebriation when entering into con
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Western civilization.The Atlantic slave trade,protestant revival and Essay
Western civilization.The Atlantic slave trade,protestant revival and the two revolutions - Essay Example Atlantic Slave Trade was a direct consequence of the practice of slavery that existed in Medieval Europe and the colonial world. With the discovery of the Americas, slavery and slave trade became more pervasive since the European colonists needed cheap labor. Atlantic Slave Trade was a trade phenomenon that started during the 16th century. The Portuguese were the pioneers of this trade system. Soon, several European powers followed the techniques and trade routes of the Portuguese. Slave trade began to flourish rapidly as the European powers were rivaling each other to establish vast overseas colonial empires. Discussion As Christopher Columbus had discovered the New World, Europeans began to migrate towards the West in the search of fortune. They gathered in the North and South Americas and rapidly annihilated the native peoples. In this way, communities like Sioux Indians, Incas, Aztecs, Red Indians, etc. were cornered. Now, the European settlers needed to clear the forests, create towns and cities, and exploit the natural resources of the new found continents. Hence they needed cheap labor. (McKay et al, 2011) Europeans were colonizing in Africa too and had defeated the Arabs on a number of occasions. Hence, they carried on their imperial expansion across Africa and conquered several countries. Here, they captured and/or kidnapped large numbers of Africans and enslaved them. These slaves were transported as merchandise units to the New World so that they could be used as cheap labor for plantations, agriculture, clearing the forests and several jobs like that. Hence, it can be deduced that the reasons for both the beginning and success of Atlantic Slave Trade were the same: The theory of demand and supply. The innocent Africans were carried away from the present day countries like Sierra Leon, Senegal, Nigeria, etc. and used as bonded labors throughout their lives. Along with this, they were subjected to horrible torture and life conditions by their masters, who mostly neglected even their minimum well being. Freed slaves like Olaudah Equiano later came out with the accounts of these atrocities. Direct and indirect experiences about the tortures meted out to the African slaves started to build opinion against slave trade among the Europeans and White Americans themselves. Ultimately, humanitarian people in Europe and America abolished slavery and slave trade in a step by step manner by the end of 19th century. (McKay et al, 2011) Conclusion Atlantic Slave Trade was one of the most heinous crimes of world history. According to McKay et al (2011), â€Å"The Atlantic slave trade grew enormously as colonial plantations used slaves to produce commodities for trade.†Yet, it should be kept in mind that the Europeans and colonists themselves came forward to abolish it. First, the British Empire declared slavery illegal and then the American Civil War delivered the death blow to this practice. Thus, â€Å"public outcry at slaveryâ€⠄¢s horrors†(McKay et al, 2011) was the main reason behind the decline of Atlantic Slave Trade. Question 2 Pick one group in the â€Å"Protestant Revival†and talk about the aims, ideas, goals, and people behind it in 300-500 words. Answer Introduction Protestantism had originated in Medieval Europe. Thinkers and reformers like Martin Luther began the Protestant Movement, which primarily aimed to establish the right of the common people to learn and understand religion with more openness, freedom, and humane values. The European immigrants to America brought these ideas from Europe and looked for religious emancipation in the New World too. During the middle of 18th century, the First Great Awakening of Protestant Revival took place that was going to change
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Leadership-assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Leadership-assignment - Essay Example Consequently, a leader must be impartial. Support of any group within the organization can lead to the politicking and development of partial reasoning. Impartiality makes leaders view the issues indicated with clarity and can solve conflicts between individuals in the society. Therefore, as a leader, impartiality is vital in developing group cohesion. The important role of the leader includes mentorship, which is required in team leadership (Bell 56). Mentorship leads to effective team development by increasing the skills of the members. Leaders must take initiative in ensuring members of the group are in good terms, which is reflected in the performance of the organization. In addition, Leaders must be the role model for the members because they represent their organization. The image of the organization depends on the leadership style. Therefore, an effective leader must always ensure unity of purpose and focus within the group, which ensures cohesiveness in then group (Bell 89). The development of an effective team will depend on the leader’s commitment to development and group cooperation. In conclusion, an effective leader must rely on personal skills to succeed in team
Monday, October 14, 2019
Requirements for Healthcare Organization | Case Study
Requirements for Healthcare Organization | Case Study TASK I A SUMMARY ON THE NEEDS AND EXPECTATIONS OF CONCORDIA HEALTHCARE LTD. RELATIVE TO: I. Internal Organizational needs First and foremost, ABC Concordia Healthcare Ltd. Requires that the staff, partners, members, directors will consider and respect the Equality and Diversity Guidance and Policy. This organization is committed to delivering quality health care services to the clients without prejudice on them due to race, nationality, sex, sexual orientation, disability, religious affiliation, marital status, employment status and political opinion and characteristics. All clients should be treated equally and fairly. Professionalism on the part of the staff, partners, members and directors should be observed. No client should be discriminated; instead, promotion and accessibility of health care services should always be the ultimate mission of everyone. Quality healthcare services will result to the increasing demand by diverse clients. The ABC Concordia Healthcare Ltd. will be sought by the community and the clients they serve. A good name will be established for and in behalf of ABC Concordia Healthcare LTD. II. External Needs of ABC Concordia Healthcare LTD. To achieve the goal of this organization, that is the promotion of equal opportunity and accessibility of quality healthcare services to all clients, they are also considering their external needs. A. Meeting clients’ needs Appropriate steps must be considered to be able to meet the diverse needs of clients. 1. Identify the needs of clients who come from different communities. Clients come from different communities with different cultural background and upbringing. So, they also have different needs. These needs have to be catered well. 2. Formulate the policies and procedures that will be undertaken to meet clients’ needs. Policies should be done regularly because these are guides for decision making. Policies encourage coordination and integration of actions and plans within and across functional areas of an organization. The policy making process involves the following: a. Identifying the problem b. Formulating the policy c. Implementing the policy d. Evaluating the results 3. Specify the services that should be provided to the following group of clients: a. Clients with a disability b. Clients who are unable to communicate effectively in English c. Carers, children and the elderly d. Members of religious groups e. ethnic groups, nationalities f. Lesbian, gay or transgender people B. Communication Plan To avoid miscommunication, the ABC Concordia Healthcare Ltd. also provides the following: 1. A Communication Plan is prepared to disseminate the policies and procedures to ensure that all services are provided to the clients. 2. Steps to be followed and the requirements to be accomplished are also given to access the healthcare services 3. Orientation and training for the employees, members, partners, staff, and directors are done for effective implementation of the plan. FAIRNESS AND JUSTICE A just and fair treatment can be the strongest asset in any organization especially if there is competition. ABC Concordia Healthcare LTD. has laid some policies with emphasis on the following: a. Dealings with third parties – this organization does not unlawfully discriminate other Healthcare service providers. b. Dealings with contractors- ABC Concordia Healthcare Ltd. engages contractors on the basis of their skills, experience and ability. There is no discrimination whatsoever based on age, gender, marital status, race, religion, etc. c. Employment – Job applicants are treated equally and fairly. Recruitment and selection procedures and terms and conditions of employment, training opportunities, promotion and transfer, grievance and disciplinary process, demotions, dress code, bonus schemes, work allocations and other employment related activities are carefully relayed to employees and applicants. d. Recruitment and Selection- ABC Concordia Healthcare LTD ensures that the workforce is: Taken from the widest pool of qualified applicants . Job openings are open to all. Effort is directed towards the dissemination of the information that will reach all interested applicants. Employment opportunities are based on personal merit and fitness. Performance is considered in this regard. Priority is given to applicants from all sections of society especially the underrepresented in the workforce. This is where fairness is evident. No one is discriminated simply because he belongs to the underprivileged and the handicapped. ABC Concordia Ltd. has lawful exemption (genuine occupational requirements) to be used suitable to meet the special needs of a particular group. People with special needs are those coming from different ethnic and cultural background; gender (especially the gays, lesbians and transgender people), carers, etc. Recruitment agencies of ABC Concordia Healthcare Ltd. know the requirements not to discriminate. Fair and equal treatment should always be borne in mind. There is a wholesome working environment respecting the employee’s beliefs and diverse background. Terms and conditions of service for employees comply with anti-discrimination legislation. The organization identifies the diverse training needs of the workers. A plan is made which includes the details of the training to be provided, who will be trained, and when the training will be provided. Those identified are informed of this quality and diversity and training plan. Acts of unlawful discrimination on any of the forbidden grounds by employees, partners, members, directors will be subjected to disciplinary action. Appropriate action is imposed to any person employed who commits unlawful acts of discrimation. All complaints will be investigated in accordance with the grievance procedure of the organization. ABC Concordia Healthcare Ltd. will monitor and record equal opportunities and information about staff and all employees. These pieces of information will be used exclusively for equal opportunities monitoring and have no bearing on opportunities and benefits. The organization will provide equal opportunities to the Human Rights Services Commission as required in relation to personal and clients under the terms of the legislation. Operation review of the organization will be conducted twice a year. Remediation will be imposed on non-compliance under the policy to equal opportunities. THE IMPACT OF PREJUDICE AND DISCRIMINATION ON INDIVIDUAL AND GROUP 1. Prejudice and discrimination are acts of disrespect on the uniqueness of every individual. â€Å"Individual differences should be recognized although human beings are similar in many ways.†2. Prejudice and discrimination may cause stress. â€Å"Typical causes of stress are: new work procedures, work overload, differences between the organization and employees values, frustration and role ambiguity. Workers are likely to suffer mental and physical symptoms as a result of pressure.†3. Prejudice and discrimination hampers the individual’s desire to grow and to achieve his goal. If an individual is constantly discriminated, he loses his self-confidence. Thus, he can’t perform his task well. When prejudice is felt in an organization like a Healthcare Provider, the client would lose his motivations to get well and to become fit again. Nobody encourages him and nobody values his human dignity. 4. Discrimination and prejudice are non-humanitarian actions. This will deprive the act of getting people work together to accomplish desired goals and objectives at minimum cost and maximum profit.†5. Commitment is obtained through kindness. Hence, organization should be fair and impartial, free from biases in dealing with employees and clients. 6. In Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, belongingness, love, affection and acceptance are among the basic needs of man. When there are discriminations of whatever nature, then there is no love, affection and acceptance. 7. Discrimination and prejudice is against the Civil Rights of people. â€Å"Civil rights guarantees fair and equal treatment for all people regardless of race, religion, ethnic origin, age, sex, sexual orientation, disabilities, or personal beliefs.†On July 2, 1964, Pres. Lyndon B. Johnson signed into law the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibiting discrimination based on a person’s race, color, national origin, religious beliefs and sex. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS TO ADDRESS GAPS IN THEIR SYSTEM PROCESS 1. Plan for review and monitoring on the compliance of equality and diversity issues should be prepared Separate from that of the communication and training plan. 2. Team meetings should be done regularly to track and discuss the progress of implementation. A special meeting may be convened also at any time to consider urgent matters. 3. Roles and responsibilities of the persons manning the organization should be clearly specified like: a. Director/ manager b. Staff c. Employees d. Other support personnel 4. Time scales for planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation should be clarified. 5. Periodic audit on the organization’s financial status is important. This is one component of the overall performance management framework. As an initiative is implemented, the outputs and outcomes are monitored, refined and then evaluated. 6. Policies should be revisited from time to time. Substantial amendments maybe necessary to ensure the stability of the organization. 7. Human resources are important in any organization. Performance assessment should be conducted as basis for planning skill enhancement training and updating. 8. Facilities and other material resources should be equally allocated. Insufficient or outmoded materials may affect the efficacy of attainment of the organization. 9. Facts should be gathered and use them as supporting evidences in order to analyze the programs and services and in turn may serve as guide for proper actions.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Go Tell It On A Mountain - Sum Essay -- essays research papers
Part One- The Seventh Day: 1. Summary- The story starts by introducing the active role of church in John’s and his family’s life. Various activities occur on Sunday in church, such as school, hymns, and preaching. On the morning of his birthday, he wakes up to lay in bed, pondering on his past birthdays and events. He falls asleep to wake up late and head to breakfast. Roy’s hardheaded personality is introduced here through an argument with his mother. The argument was based on their father, and his abusive behavior. After breakfast, John is assigned to sweep the front room, which is just one of his many labors around the house. He takes a pause to think of what kind of birthday this is, where no one even remembers it. But his mother comes through and gives him some change to get a gift for himself, so he runs out to the city. On his way there, rage fills him and he daydreams about the white folk in the city looking at him with respect. Respect of him because he’ll own the city. Reality strikes him and he realizes that the people don’t even notice him. After using the money for a movie, he arrives back at home finding out that Roy had been in an incident. His father, aunt, and mother have a dispute and then the next day John heads to church early to open up and clean up. Him and Elisha (a brother and preacher of the church) have a talk. John is told to think about being saved, just as Elisha had been saved. Part Two- The Prayers of the Saints: Florence’s Prayers 1. Summary- This next chapter focuses on John’s aunt, Florence. It begins with Florence at church, she is sorry for her sin yet doesn’t remember how to pray. A few nights before, she had received a threatening message repeatedly and even saw death. The story then jumps back to her youth, where she worked as a servant-girl. She lived with her mother and younger brother, Gabriel. Florence had been a child hood friend with John’s mother, Deborah. Gabriel would be the “apple of her [his mother] eyes';; he would be sent to school, fed more, and treated more specially. For this reason, Florence would resent her brother; she wanted to learn far more than her brother ever did. The story jumps back to John and what he sees in church for a brief moment, then goes in to talk about Florence’s husband... ... confusing chapter of the book. From what I read, it seems that John is on the threshing floor with all these emotions and events going through his head. At first he hears voices, but it’s confusing to tell whom it is coming from. The second set of voices came from above that sounds like his family. As John cries for help, his father comes to the rescue. The assistance is rejected because john does not want to be like his father. Then his father attempts to lead him up the road, but John resists. John thinks for a while and found out how the devil is toying with John. Elisha comes to the rescue by talking with John. This talk raised John’s faith and found his place before the Lord. His mother is happy and smiles, but yet John wants to make sure no one forgets. He tells Elisha, that no matter what happens, he was saved. He explains how he went to the valley and was saved. Elisha tells him that God won’t forget him, and leaves him with a kiss on the forehead. The story ends with a picture perfect scene with the sun out and all. But yet, his father does not smile at John when smiled at him, that is one thing I don’t understand about the ending. Go Tell It On A Mountain - Sum Essay -- essays research papers Part One- The Seventh Day: 1. Summary- The story starts by introducing the active role of church in John’s and his family’s life. Various activities occur on Sunday in church, such as school, hymns, and preaching. On the morning of his birthday, he wakes up to lay in bed, pondering on his past birthdays and events. He falls asleep to wake up late and head to breakfast. Roy’s hardheaded personality is introduced here through an argument with his mother. The argument was based on their father, and his abusive behavior. After breakfast, John is assigned to sweep the front room, which is just one of his many labors around the house. He takes a pause to think of what kind of birthday this is, where no one even remembers it. But his mother comes through and gives him some change to get a gift for himself, so he runs out to the city. On his way there, rage fills him and he daydreams about the white folk in the city looking at him with respect. Respect of him because he’ll own the city. Reality strikes him and he realizes that the people don’t even notice him. After using the money for a movie, he arrives back at home finding out that Roy had been in an incident. His father, aunt, and mother have a dispute and then the next day John heads to church early to open up and clean up. Him and Elisha (a brother and preacher of the church) have a talk. John is told to think about being saved, just as Elisha had been saved. Part Two- The Prayers of the Saints: Florence’s Prayers 1. Summary- This next chapter focuses on John’s aunt, Florence. It begins with Florence at church, she is sorry for her sin yet doesn’t remember how to pray. A few nights before, she had received a threatening message repeatedly and even saw death. The story then jumps back to her youth, where she worked as a servant-girl. She lived with her mother and younger brother, Gabriel. Florence had been a child hood friend with John’s mother, Deborah. Gabriel would be the “apple of her [his mother] eyes';; he would be sent to school, fed more, and treated more specially. For this reason, Florence would resent her brother; she wanted to learn far more than her brother ever did. The story jumps back to John and what he sees in church for a brief moment, then goes in to talk about Florence’s husband... ... confusing chapter of the book. From what I read, it seems that John is on the threshing floor with all these emotions and events going through his head. At first he hears voices, but it’s confusing to tell whom it is coming from. The second set of voices came from above that sounds like his family. As John cries for help, his father comes to the rescue. The assistance is rejected because john does not want to be like his father. Then his father attempts to lead him up the road, but John resists. John thinks for a while and found out how the devil is toying with John. Elisha comes to the rescue by talking with John. This talk raised John’s faith and found his place before the Lord. His mother is happy and smiles, but yet John wants to make sure no one forgets. He tells Elisha, that no matter what happens, he was saved. He explains how he went to the valley and was saved. Elisha tells him that God won’t forget him, and leaves him with a kiss on the forehead. The story ends with a picture perfect scene with the sun out and all. But yet, his father does not smile at John when smiled at him, that is one thing I don’t understand about the ending.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
The Plant World Essay -- Environment, Plant Species, Plant Communicati
Introduction Plants exhibit exceptionally intelligent behaviour when it comes to interactions with their environment. They can detect perceived threats, then convey warning signals to other plants via chemical signaling. Forewarned plants will then assemble their defenses against these potential threats, thus, increasing their chance of survival and reproduction. Communication and competition are common occurrences among the plant world. Another brilliantly, almost inconceivable capability plants possess is the ability to recognize coexisting family members within their home range. These intelligent life forms realize that if family members compete less with each other by allocation of their resources, their group will do better overall. This is a strategy utilized by many species, especially plants, to eliminate competition within their community in nature (Mancuso 2006). Competition can occur between members of the same or different species. The involved individuals are negatively affected by other individuals that have the same living requirements, such as food or space. Inter-specific competition transpires when members of different species compete for a particular resource. Intra-specific competition arises when members of the same species compete with one another for a particular resource (Encyclopedia Britannica 2010). In this experiment we concentrate on inter-specific competition. We measured the effect of competitor density on the growth of plants in order to observe the outcome of inter-specific competition. In set one (of two), our group utilized allelopathic rye grass (Secale cereal L.) as our competitor species. In set two, we made use of non-allelopathic oats (Avena fatua var. sativa) as our competitor spec... ...ass soil. This demonstrates that a pathogen may influence allelopathy between plants and that rust may enhance ryegrass allelopathy against clover (Mattner 2001). Our results supported the alternative hypothesis which states that the density and weight of rye or oats (competitor species) had a significant effect on the 1/w of the clover (indicator species) under normal conditions. This proves that non-legumes win when in an inter-specific competition with a legume species and allelopathic chemicals negatively affect indicator species during inter-specific competition (Cain 2008). Errors that could have occurred when designing this experiment include possible uneven distribution light, water, or temperature fluctuations. For future research I would suggest observing the effects of allelopathy and symbiotic bacteria among different legume and non-legume species.
Friday, October 11, 2019
The Essense Of Buddhism
John Snelling has written that scientists with their scientific information have succeeded in sending space craft to distant planets or even probe to remote quarters of the planet with radio telescopes, (Snelling 7). They may investigate the mysteries of the sub atomic world with electron microscopes. But the thing that infact know least about is this great mystery that is right here with us all the time- the heart of the matter behind Buddhism.For like every one they subscribe to consensus view and don’t give the matter a second thought. Thus, according to John Snelling of the London Buddhist Society, these scientists fail to see what is right under their nose, (291). Buddhist is concerned, Snelling has found, with the unravelling of this mystery. In the first sense it is necessary to see through the great delusion of ‘I', of the so called person. Then it is a matter of finding what really is there.And how plot thickens to penetrate this mystery is to penetrate the ulti mate mystery, the mystery of the heart of all things, and confront what the Christians called God, the Hindus Brahman or Atman-and it goes by other names in other religions. Buddhists, however hesitate to put a name to it or say anything or say anything at all about it. It is they maintain something that cannot be grasped by intellect or described in words.It cannot be seen directly; but that seeing brings about something truly miraculous: a total transformation, no less. The veils of delution fall away and last the world is perceived as it truly is. At the same time a deep compassion also crystallizes: a pure, self less kindliness and caring born of an understanding of the unity of all beings. Therefore, as has been established by John Snelling in his ‘The Buddhist handbook: a complete Guide to Buddhist Teaching and Practice', (7) Buddhism is quite simple.But as, Snelling has found out simple things are always hard to fully realize, so people need all kinds of aids and suppor t. A vast superstructure according to Snelling has therefore grown up around the basic heart core of the Buddha’s teaching: mountains of philosophical speculation, a voluminous literature, monastic codes and ethical systems, histories, cosmologies, different types of ritual and meditation practice, institutions and hierarchies. John Snelling writes of one Shuan Chin ken who wrote a preface to a text book (mumonkan)From the London Buddhist society, John Snelling (1987) established that many of those who have undertaken the study and practice of Buddhism have also taken an interest in the western psychotherapies that developed from the pioneering work of Sigmund Freud, the, the most famous western psychologist. As well as the Freudian psychoanalysis and its derivatives, Snelling has found that, this includes the analytical psychology of Freud great but errant student, Carl Gustav Jung, as well as subsequent developments right down to the present time, where Buddhism and western society have come together in a wonderful bond, (Snelling, 292).These theories, now regarded as Western psychotherapies arose towards the end of the 19th century and in the early part of the 20th century. This great discovery made by the pioneers of this movement was of the existence of the unconscious: an area or range of aspects of human psyche falling outside the normal range of conscious awareness. Snelling records the therapeutic aspects that interested Dr. Freud to study a lot on the nerve system of animals.Sigmund Freud, as recorded by, Snelling was to the view the unconscious as a kind of cellar containing mainly what he called ‘vises’, all those aspects of himself that a person does not wish to confront- the unacceptable desires, aggressive impulses, painful memories and many other areas of ego. Snelling has established cure of all these consisted reclaiming this exiled material from the abyss of knowing and restoring it to the province of consciousness- or in Freudian terminology: restoring it to the ego from the Idd, a process that Freud compared to reclaiming land from the sea, (Snelling, 295).If Freud’s tendency had been essentially secular, according to John Snelling then Jung’s ideas brought the new psychology into the area once regarded as the preserve of religion (293). Indeed he began to see the role of analysis not merely as directed towards curing neurotic symptoms but of assisting harmonious development, the flowering of individual potential, and ultimately towards securing a transformation that would take the individual beyond himself. John Snelling writes:â€Å"The fact that the approach to the numinous is the real therapy and inasmuch as you attain to the numinous experiences you are released from the curse of pathology†. (Snelling 253). To accord due credit to Jung, however, it must be said that many western Buddhists have found that this ideas represent useful bridge into exotic world of Eastern spir ituality. Some have gone so far as to undertake Jungian analysis and have found helpful, particularly in dealing with psychological problems.According to John Snelling, Alan Watts was able to explain on this in his writing of the seven symbols of life (1936); Watt propounded the idea that Buddhism has more in common with psychotherapy than with religion as the term was then understood in the west. Psychotherapy and Buddhism are intermarried and each has its part to play in assisting in its full realization, psychotherapy in helping to develop a sound ego, Buddhism in taking the process on from there, (Snelling, 298). Religion of faith Buddha emphasized that his teachings had a practical purpose and should not be blindly clung to.He the Dharma to a raft made by a man seeking to cross a dangerous hither shore of a river, representing the conditioned world, to the peaceful further shore, representing Nibanna (M. 1. 34-5). He then rhetorically asked whether such a man on reaching the ot her side should lift the raft and carry it around with him there. He therefore said, Dharma is for crossing over not for retaining, that is a follower should not grasp at Buddhist ideas and practices, but use them for their intended purpose, and then let go of them when they had fully accomplished their goal.Many ordinary Buddhists, though do not have a strong attachment to Buddhism. While the Buddha was critical to blind faith, he did not deny a role for soundly based faith or trustful confidence (saddha) for to test out his teachings, person had to have at least some initial trust in them. He emphasizes a process of listening, which arouses saddha, leading to deeper saddha and deeper practice until the heart of the teachings is directly experienced. A person then becomes an Arahat, one who has replaced faith with knowledge.Even Theravada Buddhism, which often has a rather rational unemotional image, a very deep faith in the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha is common. Ideally this is base d on the fact that some part of Buddha’s path has been found to be uplifting, thus inspiring confidence in the rest. Many people though have a calm and joyful faith (pasada) inspired by the example of those who are well established on the path. In essence therefore, Buddhism is a religion that is based on aspects of faith. In actual sense Buddhism is a religion where faith is exercised for the purposes of perfection.We therefore accept the fact the statement of acclaim that Buddhism is a religion of faith holds. Buddhism does not demand that anyone accepts their teaching on trust. The practitioner is instead invited to try them out, to expriment with them. John Snelling writes and says there is no compulsion and it happens to find truth elsewhere or otherwise all well and good, (Snelling, 4). The essential freedom from dogma is enshrined in the Buddha's words to the Kalama, a people who lived in the vicinity of the town of Kesaputta:†Come, Kalamas, do not be satisfied with heasay or with tradition or with legendary lore or with what has come down in your scriptures or with logical inference or with weighing liking for a view after pondering it over or with the thought ‘the monk is our teacher' When you know in yourselves ‘these ideas are unprofitable, liable to censure, condemned by the wise, being adopted and put into effect they lead to harm and suffering ‘, then you should abandon them†¦ ( and conversely:)when you know in yourselves these things are profitable†¦Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ then you should practice them and abide in them. †(Snelling, 3). Philosophical foundations According to John Snelling, in his The Buddhist Handbook: A complete Guide to Buddhist Teaching and Practice Buddhism as a religion is based o philosophical foundations. He writes: â€Å"At the core of Mahayana philosophy lays the notion of emptiness: Shunyata. Buddha very much in the spirit of anata as first teaches this. It is not used to imply, not me re or sheer nothingness, but ‘emptiness of inherent existence’; that is, the absence of any kind of enduring or self –sustaining essence.There is also a sense in which it has connotations of conceptual emptiness: absence of thoughts. It could be regarded too as a non-term signifying the ineffable understanding arising within the practice of meditation†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Therefore, Shunyata as used by Buddha has formed this philosophical foundation in Buddhism, although in addition to this Snelling introduces another key term tathata which according to Buddhism philosophical foundations means ‘thusness’ or ‘suchness’ which signifies Emptiness in its immanent aspect: as it appears in the world of form.The Buddha, as Snelling writes, is sometimes called the Tathagata: ‘He who is thus gone’. The Tathagata-garbha (garbha means ‘germ’) doctrine, on the other hand, proposes the notion of an imminent Absolute: the manifestat ion in form of a transcendental principle, (Snelling,5). Therefore it is true Buddhism has some philosophical foundations as it written by John Snelling, (Snelling, 4). In conclusion we have seen that Buddhism involves that Buddhism has evolved on the basis of some philosophical foundations and that it involves psychological, religious, some mystical experience and meditations.Unlike other religions, Buddhism holds the religious perfection in which one should not clung of practical faith but should eventually make it to knowledge. Therefore, this makes it more a practical experience. It is such aspects, according to John Snelling that drive us to believe that there is no Buddhism but only Buddhists. REFERENCES Snelling, John. The Buddhist Handbook: A complete Guide to Buddhist Teaching and Practice. London: Rider, 1987.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Childhood Case Study Essay
When I was a child the world seemed to be a place of joy and happiness to me. There was nothing worth worrying about. Whenever I cried somebody picked me up. When I did not like to sit alone, I was always in somebody’s army. My father was one of my heroes since young. I idolize him as I grow up and to everything like him. I often ask my father to tell me about his childhood experience and he loves telling funny stories or describing unusual situations. When he talks to me about those years, I feel like I see the past through his eyes. I think he was really happy as a child. Normally in my mind, I would compare my father’s childhood and mine. My father and I had very different childhood in terms of social problem, family background, technology and education. Firstly, social problem within my father’s and my own childhood in terms of freedom. As a child, my dad will be playing out the whole day; running, laughing and not worrying. My dad lived in a village where the children from the whole village were a big company. They would all play together without fighting and arguing all the time. Heck, my grandparents didn’t have to worry about my dad that much. They are used to let their children play a lot of hours with freedom without being nervous or stressed about it. They knew their children were safe. I, on the other hand, had a must lesser freedom compared to my father. Back then, I don’t get to go out and play with the other children due to safety reasons. My parents were very afraid of this worlds’ dangers. In fact, there weren’t many children to play with in streets compared to the â€Å"good old days†. I get to go the playground to play once awhile but there were so few to play with. Next, our family background was also very different in terms of social status and financial status. My dad was born a year later after my country’s independence, so technically he was the 1st generation of official Malaysian in Malaysia. My country is also a multiracial country so long story short, my dad had social status issues with other races during his childhood. When he was 10, my dad experienced things that no child should which was the May 13th Incident. The May 13th incident refers to the Sino-Malay sectarian violence in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, in which many Malaysian-Chinese died in 1969. I can only imagine how terrifying it was for my dad to live through that incident as a child. I, however, lived peacefully as a Malaysian-Chinese without such incident. During my generation, my social status has already develop stability, my race was recognize as the 3 main races in Malaysia. I also have a good financial support as a child compared to my father. Back then my grandfather was an immigrant from China, owning a small business to raise his family. My father did not receive much financial as a child. During elementary school, my father had to help out with my grandfather’s business. I’m consider very fortunate as my father worked hard to ensure that my childhood did not have to be like his. Then, the advancement of science and technology effect both my dad’s childhood and my own in terms of entertainment. Back then the time where video games were like rocket science and cellphones where as big as bricks. Entertainment in technology wasn’t really available at my dad’s childhood thus explaining the big company of children playing outside all the time, but it didn’t mean it didn’t exist in that time. Back then, my dad really enjoyed listening to the radio. The radio was practically the main source of entertainment in terms of technology; it had music, podcast, news and etc. My dad was considered lucky to even have a colored television in his own home and there was not much to watch as well. I, in my childhood days, had the privilege of watching Disney channel on my decoder with my cartoons. In addition, technology was my source of entertainment with my game consoles and televisions. Which also the cause of me not going out that much as a child. Technology allow my childhood to not need the company of the other, to play with. Communication was also much better thanks to technology. During elementary, affordable cellphones were available where my dad can contact me at any time. The same couldn’t be said for my dad back then, as owning cellphone was considered a luxury. Lastly, people say education is key to every childhood, but in that sense both my father and I had very different education environment and background in our childhood. My dad, back then, lived where education is very scarce. They weren’t many schools near where my dad lived. My grandmother had to cycle my dad to his school to drop off and pick up daily. If that isn’t bad enough, my father had to have extra classes at the Chinese temple nearby just to learn Mandarin. During my time, my country has already development an effective education system to follow. Many schools were also available during that time. Mandarin is actually implemented into the educational system as a subject taught in public schools. I’m glad that I’m fortunate enough to have these facilities in my grasp in my childhood. Childhood is free from cares. There are no duties and responsibilities on the shoulders of a child. A child eats drinks, sleeps and plays. When he eats a piece of bread, he does not think from where it comes. His father alone knows that. Even when someone dies in the family, a child is not touched. As child lives in a bliss of ignorance and innocence. Despite the differences in our childhood, my dad and I both enjoyed part of our childhood and we will cherish these moments for life.
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