Sunday, May 24, 2020
Monday, May 18, 2020
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Socrates - 697 Words
We live in a modern world conquered by wrong doings. Why, we tend to ask. What encourages individuals to move towards evil doing? Isn’t self-restraint a sufficient obstacle in the pursuit of evil? One of the many questions which strike us when we are surrounded by injustices is whether it is the wrong individuals or the collective society which drives those particular evil doings. In a sociocultural context, this may be a very subjective question due to the lack of universality in the definition of ‘bad’ in itself. Philosophers, and more recently psychologists, have studied intellectual and neurological causes of wrong actions in search for an answer to the concerned question. One of the very first philosophers who manifested concern for†¦show more content†¦Socrates’ description of the soul as â€Å"that within us in virtue of which we are pronounced wise or foolish, good or bad seems to imply that ethics are internal and the sole responsibility of the same individual. But many, contrarily, argue that ethics are external, standardised and shaped by society, and thus, are not fully our responsibility. The problem with the first view of ethics as being internal is that no one can deny that in today’s modern world, social cohesion is brought about by our actions and their degree of conformity to social ‘standards’, so there exists a strong social influence in our actions. We have conditional interests and biases, many a time, depending on how ‘normal’ an action is considered. For example, having hair with a shocking pink colour would be considered as something out of the ordinary, and is in fact not so common . The problem with the second view of ethics as being something tempered with social influence is that society is, after all, an amalgamation of individuals which perform individual actions and so blaming society for a wrong doing would be, essentially, blaming ourselves. ------------------------------------------------- In my opinion, it is in fact a mixture of the two; a process. Societies mark us with their influence, but that is not final. The final decision in a wrong doing is always that of the doer.Show MoreRelatedSocrates : The Suicide Of Socrates1405 Words  | 6 PagesSocrates was born in 470 BCE in Athens, Greece. His father was Sophroniscus, a sculptor and stone mason from Athens and his mother was a midwife by the name of Phaenarete (30 Interesting Socrates Facts 2014). Socrates original profession was masonry and sculpting, before becoming a philosopher. 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Underneath, they were moral questions about how life should be lived. Such is the influence of Socrates that philosophers before him are called the Presocratic philosophers. Socrates made enemies, three of whom broughtRead MoreSocrates1099 Words  | 5 PagesSocrates the Greek Philosopher December 14, 2014 PHI/105 In the beautiful city of Athens, Greece, there was a philosopher Socrates, and his Socratic method, was laid on the groundwork for the Western systems of logic and philosophy. Socrates did believe that he didnt know anything, and It was because of this that the Oracle told Socrates that he was wise and that he should seek out the wise men to hear what they had to say. So Socrates began to travel to different parts of Greece to questionRead MoreSocrates659 Words  | 3 PagesSocrates Socrates was accused of many things in the Athens market. Socrates was accused of being a man who makes the worse argument into the stronger argument. 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Socrates had been quick to identify the drawbacks of democracy, and he had also been the teacher of two men who in different ways harmed Athens: AlcibiadesRead MoreSocrates s Views On Socrates1314 Words  | 6 PagesSocrates could undeniably be described as one of the most influential philosophers and greatest thinker of his time. His views can be interpreted many different ways, but most would agree that he sought out wisdom and truth for the betterment of himself and his community. Though Socrates was one of the most intelligent men of his time, he was very foolish to never write his own book. For this reason, after his passing, one of his students, Plato, began to write a book about his teachings and ideas
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
South Africa Land Reform Essay - 1368 Words
Land reform is generally defined as relating to the modification of laws, regulations or customs, on the subject of land ownership. It usually encompasses allocations of land ownerships or rights. These transfers could be from a small land owner to government owned cooperative allotments or vice versa. Land reform is an extreme political progression that could cause tensions and conflicts between the individuals involved in the rearrangements, usually originating from dissatisfaction from the losing side. The political aspect of reform is very difficult to elude given the outcome of changes in land tenure arrangements on the social and class structure they represent. There are both advantages and disadvantages to land reform. One of the†¦show more content†¦Most of the time people don’t care who doesn’t have as long as they have enough and able to accumulate more. so in this process there might be a need for protest and violence which might end up claiming a lot of lives. For example the land reform of Zimbabwe took three decades before it was finalized and resolved. A child born when it was started/ initiated was thirty years old by the time it ended. In the Philippines, indigenous people are subjected to major financial hindrances and complications to obtaining their lands under the Indigenous Peoples’ Rights Act, as the expenses of carrying out land surveys have to be taken care of by the communities. Some communities are even fractionally repossessing their lands, to reduce the survey expenses to what they can have the funds for. And in the case of south Africa, Land reform has fallen far short of expectations an d objectives in every respect: in the quantity of land reallocated, in the mitigation of poverty and unemployment, in the reformation of the agrarian budget to generate opportunities for previously underprivileged individuals and in protecting small farmers and farm workers from eviction. Less than 7% of land has been redistributed to date, and there is no probability that the objective of 1/3 will be accomplished even by the year 2025. Land queries haveShow MoreRelatedGender Roles And Gender Inequality1576 Words  | 7 Pagesalready earn less than men in economic spheres (â€Å"Fact Sheet†, 2010). The underlying gender roles and gender inequality that persists in South Africa help not only to explain their unbelievably difficult daily burdens but it also aids in the understanding of the lack of economic and political representation of women in the region (Bentley, 2004). 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Albert Pujols Bio Free Essays
Jose Alberto Pujols Alcantara was born on January 16 1980. He was born in the Dominican Republic and was raised there also. He was raised by his grandmother. We will write a custom essay sample on Albert Pujols Bio or any similar topic only for you Order Now At a young age he wanted to follow in his father’s footsteps and become a great baseball player like his father, he had a dream to play in the majors. In 1996 his family immigrated to New York City. Pujols attended Fort Osage High School as a sophomore. In his first year at Fort Osage his batting average was over . 500 and he hit 11 homeruns. He received All-State Honors. In his junior year of High School with only playing one season of high school baseball he started to attract the attention of pro scouts. In his junior year other teams avoided pitching to him as much as they could. With 55 walks in 88 at bats he still hit 8 homeruns. Now the pro scouts advised him to leave High School and find a collage that could get him better exposure. Pujols played in the All-Star game for high schoolers there he drew the attention of Maple Woods Community Collage coach Marty Kilgore. He recruited the 18-year-old star. His main priority was to increase his stock in the upcoming draft of 2000. In his first collage debut he did amazing things. He stared at short stop and batted . 461. He hit a grand slam in the regular season of future all-star Mark Buehrle. He also turned an unassisted triple play. The unassisted triple play is the rarest thing that can happen in baseball. The player turns a triple play by himself without the help of the other players. For his freshman year of collage he hit 22 homeruns and 80 RBI’s. During the Junior College World Series the scouting report on Albert Pujols said it was better to put him on base than to pitch to him. Even though they did not pitch to him anymore the Major league teams had seen enough. Among the teams watching him was the St. Louis Cardinals. The Cardinals had been watching the hard hitting infielder the closest out of all the teams. The Cardinals selected Pujols in the 13th Round of the draft. They offered him a 10,000 dollar bonus for signing but he turned it down and decided to play in the Jayhawks League. There he joined the Hay Larks. It was 4 hours away from where he was living so he moved in with his manager and his wife. In 55 games he topped the Larks in homeruns and in batting average. At the end of the summer the Cardinals finally started to appreciate Pujols and offered him 60,000. He accepted. During the fall ball season he started to learn a new position, Third base. In the winter he returned to his home and married his wife Diadre. She already had a child named Isabella. After that moment they were never separated. In 2000 he was assigned to the Peoria Chiefs a Class A League, his new wife and Isabella followed him. At the Chief he played as their Third baseman. He was named the circuit’s top defensive man at the hot corner, with the best infield arm. During that season there was seven no hitters thrown. Still even with that Pujols finished second in the league with a . 324 batting average, and added 32 doubles, 17 home runs and 84 RBI’s. He only struck out 37 times it under just 400 at bats. The Peoria Chiefs finished under . 500 but Pujols was named League MVP. After that he made his way through the Cardinals farm league teams. He earned a promotion to the Potomac Cannons, then an affiliate of the Cardinals in the Carolina League. After a strong month by Pujols at the Double-A level the St. Louis brass wanted to see him against Triple-A talent. He was promoted again to the Memphis Redbirds, who were preparing for the Pacific Coast League playoffs. In seven games, Albert hit . 367 with two homeruns, as Memphis nipped the Albuquerque Dukes to advance to the PCL championship series. The Redbirds faced the Salt Lake Buzz, a Minnesota Twins farm team and defeated them for the PCL crown. Albert was named the league’s postseason MVP. With injuries on the Cardinals they were able to keep Pujols. To his surprise he found himself on the line-up against the Colorado Rockies playing left field. At three at bats he managed to get one hit. The next game they were on the road. The Cards traveled to Arizona, where Pujols destroyed the Diamondbacks with a homerun, three doubles and eight RBI’s in three games. Included in his offensive barrage was a ringing two-run double off Randy Johnson. In 2003 he injured his elbow, which enabled him to make long throws. He ended the season batting . 359 with 51 doubles, 43 homeruns and 124 RBI’s. He struck out just 65 times in close to 700 plate appearances. In 2005 he was put on the disabled list and missed 15 games. He started playing first base in the all-star game and has been playing first base for the Cards since then. His batting average is . 269 for this year and has hit 7 homeruns. How to cite Albert Pujols Bio, Papers
Hunter S Tompson and Gonzo Journalism Essay Example For Students
Hunter S Tompson and Gonzo Journalism Essay In the late sixties a young journalist and free-lance novelist named Hunter S. Thompson (HST) emerged with a new, crazed and exaggerated brand of reporting. It was sooner or later referred to as Gonzo. HSTs own definition of gonzo has varied over the years, but he still maintains that a good gonzo journalist needs the talent of a master journalist, the eye of an artist/photographer and the heavy balls of an actor and that gonzo is a style of reporting based on William Faulkners idea that the best fiction is far more true than any kind of journalism(Carroll, page 192). Gonzo journalism has also been referred to as outlaw journalism, new journalism, alternative journalism, literary cubism, and other words better not repeated here. With such high profile stages for his writings in Rolling Stone Magazine, The San Francisco Chronicle, Esquire and Vanity Fair, HST has proven that his exaggerated gonzo journalism is as relevant (or even more so) than that of conventional journalists. In this essay, the concept and development of gonzo journalism and its relevance to media and reporting will be thoroughly explored. Dr Hunter S. Thompson is a man of great wit and charisma. He is 62 tall, and, due to the fact that one leg is longer than the other, he tends to bob back and forth. He is apparently always thirsty, and his favorite drinks are known to be Wild Turkey and Chivas Regal. Besides being a writer and failed politician, HST is also a collector of peacocks and guns. HST is also happily divorced with one son, Juan. Dr Thompsons journalism career began in the daily columns of small town newspapers, but because of differences in personality, opinion and style, he did not last long at any of them. HSTs first piece of writing to be labeled gonzo was The Kentucky Derby is Decadent and Depraved written for Scanlans magazine along with illustrations by the well known cartoonist Ralph Steadman (a sample of Mr. Steadmans work will be found on the title page to this essay). As the deadline for the article approached, and with the article still incomplete, HST resorted to ripping out pages of his notebook and sending them to the editors. What resulted was the beginning of gonzo journalism. Many see gonzo journalism to be a variation of a theme, which began with new journalism in the 60s, led primarily by author Tom Wolfe. (The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test, etc.) New Journalism was said to have broken all the rules of traditional journalism. The old style journalists were supposed to take an objective point of view in their articles. The new journalists were far more subjective, getting personally involved in the stories they were reporting. New journalism really isnt new at all. Objectivity has been the great myth of journalism. As hard as media sources try to be objective, they can never truly achieve it. Everything from space limitations (a journalist must decide what is and what is not important enough to fit into a column) to illustrations (this gives readers a non-objective picture in their head about the issue) infringe on objectivity. New journalism and gonzo journalism alike pay no regard to the objectivity laws of journalism and instead focus their works very little on the facts but on the facts, as they perceive them. One difference between gonzo journalist Thompson and new journalist Tom Wolfe is that while Wolfe tries to become the fly on the wall, Thompson is very much the fly in the ointment. HSTs writings cannot be taken 100% seriously, as even he admits. Basically its all true. I warped a few things, but basically thats the way it was Thompson said describing his second book, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas: A Savage Journey to the heart of the American Dream (quotation found on book cover). If everyone took everything I said seriously they would be missing the whole point of gonzo journalism Thompson explains. Journalist John Sack illustrates a common journalistic dilemma in this quotation: I wrote my story for Stars and Stripes: Seoul, Korea. 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But I also know what he .
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Sociocultural In A Play Entails Behavioral â€Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Sociocultural In A Play Entails Behavioral? Answer: Introducation The sociocultural in a play entails the behavioral setting of the characters and the community as an as a whole. In the Macbeth Play by Shakespeare, the sociocultural context is clearly illustrated in the 11th century whereby Scotland was faced with political mistrust and wars. Furthermore, death was common in the kingdom with revenge originating from clans and families. It is also the time that witchcraft is highly practiced; senior members of the community seek witches to know their future political ambition as in the case of Macbeth who is greedy to unseat the king. During this setting witchcraft in the kingdom not strict to anyone caught engaging in witchcraft. In Shakespeares time, witchcraft was so common and was greatly believed in. The witches are considered to be powerful and are able to control the weather as they are witnessed by Macbeth when they vanish. Additionally, Banquo description of the witches is that of fear; he regards them as powerful and ugly. The cultural con text of the witches is accompanied by supernatural powers (Calef, 1969). The social dimension of the kingdom is of naivety; when the king dies mysteriously no one bothers to investigate what happened. The community is easily fooled with the turn of events as Macbeth ambition is to kill in order to acquire power. Macbeth is also naive by letting the witches manipulate his mind to kill his predecessor. Greed for power is a social context that is clearly portrayed by Shakespeare. Macbeths wife will stop at nothing in the quest to acquire power. On the other hand another cultural dimension Conventions of a tragic hero The role of a tragic hero has clearly been portrayed by Shakespeare in this play. It should be noted that a tragic hero is a character who is considered to be of good character but in the long run flops into deviant behavior. His tremendous downfall comes at a time when the kind treated him with high regard. For instance, in the kingdom, he was of honorable nature. After consulting the witches, Macbeth is happy that he has a bright future politically. His once noble character turns out to be an irrational person who thinks of nothing else but power. The ambition that he has blinded him from seeing the destructive path he has created (Gaines, 1976) . By listening to the advice of the witches and Lady Macbeth, it leads to his characters demise. Macbeths tragic flaws make him be a disgrace to the Scottish people who remove him from power. In the long run, Macbeth is beheaded by Macduff. Figurative language In Macbeth, William Shakespeare uses figurative language to appeal to the viewers senses and convey a message in an imaginative way. These include similes, metaphors personification, alliteration, and assonance. In Act 1 Shakespeare uses a simile when the Sergeant reports to the King. `Doubtful it stood as two swimmers.' Another simile occurs in the play when Macbeth is in power by what Angus says. .... Now does he feel his title hang loose about him like a giants robe upon a dwarfish thief ? This was to illustrate that his power was to be for a short while. Metaphor usage is in Act five by Macbeth. Life is but a walking shadow a poor player that struts his power upon the stage to mean that Life compared to an actor doing his lines on stage (Tarantelli, 2010). Biblical Allusion is used by the Sergeant or memorizes another Golgotha which was a place which Jesus was crucified to explain the army he had witnessed. Personification is used by Shakespeare in Act Four new sorrows that strik e heaven on the face. Invited readings Invited reading is the ability of a reader to read a text due to them having a background to do so. In the play, Macbeth by Shakespeare the viewer has a clue Macbeths character trait right from the beginning in Act one. It is no doubt that in the humanity context anyone who commits evil pays for it. Shakespeare begins by illustrating Macbeth as a loyal servant to the king who clearly predicts his downfall by again seeking the witches for power. Moreover, he sheds blood of innocent people which clearly reflects the human conscience. The audience watching the play will be able to tell the ending based on their conscience. After engaging in a good or bad act, the inner voice will an always guide the human mind (Burzy?ska, 2015). The viewer can easily conceptualize the wages of death by the ending of Macbeth. It is also clearly put across by the visitation of ghosts to Macbeth; which clearly showed he was guilty of the acts he committed. References Burzy?ska, K. (2015). Re-gendering of the Nietzschean bermensch in Shakespeares Macbeth and Marlowes Tamburlainethe Case of Lady Macbeth and Zenocrate.Multicultural Shakespeare,12(27). Calef, V. (1969). Lady Macbeth and Infanticide: Or How Many Children Had Lady Macbeth Murdered?.Journal Of The American Psychoanalytic Association,17(2), 528-548. Gaines, B. (1976). Shakespeare in Tennessee: Anthony Quayle's Macbeth, 1975.Shakespeare Quarterly,27(1), 58. Tarantelli, C. (2010). Till destruction sicken: The catastrophe of mind in Macbeth.The International Journal Of Psychoanalysis,91(6), 1483-1501.
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